Final Projects


Cover page of Hana Gill’s zine.

The 13 students from the 2016 Ethnography Lab Summer High School Program spent the week of July 4th-8th learning the essentials of ethnographic practice and conducting ethnography in Toronto’s Kensington Market. Guided by their instructors, Henry Lee Heinonen and Sydney Lang, who both graduated from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto, the students designed their own research questions and explored various aspects of the market individually and in teams.


Excerpt from Victoria Bodo’s zine.

They completed the week of activities by creating mini-projects documenting their insights into what makes Kensington Market unique. These projects included hand-made “zines” (mini magazines), instagram accounts, a video, and an audio recording. Click on the links below to see some of these fantastic results!


Andrea Bancod Zine

ZineCindy Chen and Katarina Lupert Zine

Hana Gill Zine

Jasmin Khalil and Proshat Nouri Zine

Mariya Andriyevska Zine



By Naomi Katz (shared with permission)

Sound Recording:

By Joshua Do Rio

Instagram Accounts:

